söndag 5 augusti 2012

Prime Number

Function to create prime number
Syntax =PRIME(Starting Number, Ending Number)

Private Function PRIME(St, En As Long)
Dim Ans As String
For x = St To En
    For y = 2 To x - 1
        If x Mod y = 0 Then GoTo 20:
    Next y
    Ans = Ans & x & ","
Next x
End Function

Link: ExcelForum

Update to verify a Prime:
Link: Chandoo.org

Dax in Action by Alberto Ferrari

Video - Data Mining 2012 with Microsoft Excel 2010 and PowerPivot and Dax

lördag 17 mars 2012

Excel Sort Function

Excel Sort Function.

This one is simple but not perfect function since two rows could have the same value.
It can be differentiated by adding cell.Value&(10^-9*ROW()).

Function Sortme(miRango As Range, Optional ByVal Order As Integer) As String

If Order = 0 Then Order = 1

For Each cell In miRango
    temp1 = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(miRango, "<=" & cell.Value)
    If Order = temp1 Then Exit For
Next cell

Sortme = cell.Value
End Function

Reference: Link