onsdag 10 juli 2013
Windows new BI release (Power BI)
Tech features
Source: http://www.powerpivotblog.nl/power-bi
Unpublished: Geoflow, Windows 8.1 release, SQL, Tableau Public, Motion charts, Index formula, 2, Vertical Bar & Line chart
tisdag 2 juli 2013
Excel Add-ins - Statistical analysis (not tested)
Note: I have not tried these Excel add-ins, yet.

Link: imDEV, blogg, sourceforge
Link: NumericalAnalysis (PCA;PrincipalComponentAnalysis, PLS;PartialLeastSquare)
Unpublished: Engauge Digitizer (from picture to data)

Link: imDEV, blogg, sourceforge
Link: NumericalAnalysis (PCA;PrincipalComponentAnalysis, PLS;PartialLeastSquare)
Unpublished: Engauge Digitizer (from picture to data)
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