måndag 8 december 2014

söndag 16 november 2014

lördag 15 november 2014

Business Decision Architecture & Microsoft Machine Learning

They've almost discovered the full picture ;-)

1. Resource Management: SQL-server (Gartner)
2. Process Management: Power Query/Pivot, Excel, R
3. Presentation Management: Tableau, Power View/Map (not ready)

Machine Learning (MAML)
Why care: Microsoft's Bing predicted midterm election with 95% accuracy
How ToDo: Getting Started on Azure Machine Learning Build a "Data Service", Blog, 2 (with VB)
TED: Where are we today, Kaggle, 2, blogg, tools used

Unpublished: Modular 3D Printer

måndag 13 oktober 2014

Power Query: SQL-server query based on an Excel table

My first trial to query a SQL-database via an Excel list:

    Source1 = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Table8"]}[Content],
    Source2 = Sql.Database("MS10\SQLEXPRESS", "TSQL2012"),
    Sales_CustOrders = Source2{[Schema="Sales",Item="CustOrders"]}[Data],
    Joined = Table.Join(Source1, "custid", Sales_CustOrders, "custid"),

Unpublished: Import Pictures, Book: Power Query for Power BI and Excel

Similar posts: dynamic filters, dynamic function, FastCombine
Deep Dive into Power Query Formula Language
The Power Query Formula Language, PowerPivot video

fredag 3 oktober 2014

List unique values - non duplicates

The value list is placed in column A2:A100000 (A1 is the header)
Place the first formula in column B2 (B1 is the header) and copy down as far as needed.
Prerequsites: All cell-values are valid  (no "errors"), just to simplify.

Excel 2010-

Excel -2007
Alt.1: Dual cells, one Array formula in B3
B2: =SMALL($A$2:$A$100000;1)
B3: =SMALL(IF(($A$2:$A$100000-$B1)>0;$A$2:$A$100000);1)

Alt.2: Singel cell, Array formula
B2: =IF(ROWS($B$2:$B2)>1;SMALL(IF(($A$2:$A$100000-$B1)>0;$A$2:$A$100000);1);MIN($A$2:$A$100000))

Array formulas: The formulas with IF(..) has to be confirmed with Ctrl+Shift+Enter, not just Enter

söndag 28 september 2014

Cube-formulas, Advanced

Link: ...

Two ways to define a simplified view:

1. Create a Hierarchy - SQL Server

2. Create a Perspective - PowerPivot

Link: DAX Studio

Master Data - Model, Semantics + Excel Add-in

ArticleMasterData add-in (terminology).

Why Master Data Services is needed:

Link: backgroundImportance of Data quality,

lördag 23 augusti 2014

Power BI links

Power BI via MS-Academy
Power BI for Office 365

Article: Power Pivot & Example file
Video: Intro, Tables Best Practices

Videos: Power view & Power Pivot
BlogPosts: Microsoft BI Team, MSBI Academy

Power view:

Power Q&: Live Demo, Semantics

Try your own:
1. Register a trial account
2. Add Power BI app to your Share point

Power BI team: YouTube

Power Query
Articles: Multiple files into one, Examples, PowerQuery Formulas

Videos: TechEd.VideosFormula Language

Power View
Article: Get started with sample files