The following custom function concatentates the data in a range...
Function AConcat(a As Variant, Optional Sep As String = "") As String
'By Harlan Grove, March 2002
Dim Y As Variant
If TypeOf a Is Range Then
For Each Y In a.Cells
AConcat = AConcat & Y.Value & Sep
Next Y
ElseIf IsArray(a) Then
For Each Y In a
AConcat = AConcat & Y & Sep
Next Y
AConcat = AConcat & a & Sep
End If
AConcat = Left(AConcat, Len(AConcat) - Len(Sep))
End Function
ALT2: link
Function ConcRange(Substrings As Range, Optional Delim As String = ",", _
Optional AsDisplayed As Boolean = False, Optional SkipBlanks As Boolean = True)
Dim CLL As Range
For Each CLL In Substrings.Cells
If Not (SkipBlanks And Trim(CLL) = "") Then
ConcRange = ConcRange & Delim & IIf(AsDisplayed, Trim(CLL.Text), Trim(CLL.Value))
End If
Next CLL
ConcRange = Mid$(ConcRange, Len(Delim) + 1)
End Function
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