torsdag 24 januari 2013

Language translation formula (Excel)

Excel formula that can translate From any language To any language.
Example: getGoogleTranslation("Do you speak English?";"en";"sv")

However this code has one limitation; it can only translate one sentence.

Public Function getGoogleTranslation(strSource As String, strSourceLang As String, strDestLang As String) As String
    Dim strURL As String, x As String

    strURL = "" & _
             Replace(strSource, " ", "%20") & _
             "&hl=en&sl=" & strSourceLang & _
             "&tl=" & strDestLang & "&multires=1&pc=0&rom=1&sc=1"

    With CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp")
        .Open "get", strURL, False
        x = .responseText
    End With

    getGoogleTranslation = Replace(Replace(Split(x, Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34))(0), "[", ""), """", "")

End Function

Source: link

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